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Hive Public Space

Ribbon_HivePS x The Urban Conga

The power of
public spaces during
this pandemic has crystalized the
importance of our work

Hive Public Space is BIPOC and women-led urban design and placemaking / placekeeping studio. We believe in the idea that cities are complex urban systems that function laterally at multiple scales, and that public spaces have a huge social and economic impact on the vitality of any urban area. We strive for social, cultural, and racial equity.

We create new and innovative spaces and transform under-utilized ones. Our work incorporates design and engagement principles that promote the development of the local economy, identity, and a sense of belonging. Our holistic approach integrates participatory design, as well as operations, financing, and management strategies in order to shape the communities in which we live.


Our main service is to design and carry out public realm projects that involve transformations through Urban Design and Placemaking. Our approach begins with strategically tapping into existing resources within the communities we work in and leveraging them to spearhead a cohesive and creative action plan.

As a core step in our implementation of this process, HivePS conducts Urban Analysis and facilitates a collaborative Community Engagement (and Capacity Building) process to help discover and deliver the potential of the public realm relative to its unique context. Through well-crafted outreach, we aim to fully understand opportunities that strengthen connectivity, provide access, create safer pedestrian/vehicle environments, encourage multigenerational activity, promote health and well being, and nurture a thriving coexistence of commerce and neighbors that strengthens local economies and community capacity.


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