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Transforming Urban Space
Below are samples that illustrate some of the types of services that Hive Public Space can provide.
Case Study: New York City Waterfront Aquarium and Park
Left-out Space to Public Space: Economic Revitalization with Public Value
Case Study: Brussels, Belgium
Urban Waste to Public Space: Urban rehabilitation to increase the potential of public space.
Case Study: Brooklyn, NY
The New Waste Economy in the Post-Industrial City: Re-activating the abandoned industry with an ecological waste to resource economy that refurbishes public space, connects the community to their water-front and raises awareness.
Case Study: George Street, Sydney
Motorway to Pedestrianized Tramway: Developing transit spaces to encourage social and economic activity.
Case Study: The Bronx, NY
From Abandonned Riverfront to Ecological Zone: Rehabilitation of the river-front as an uninterrupted ecological infrastructure.
In collaboration with Anna Gabriela Callejas and Kate Cho.
Case Study: Seattle, WA
Urban Farming in the Abandoned City: Transforming the abandoned urban space into communal agricultural space for urban farming.
In collaboration with Anna Gabriela Callejas, Jorge Abad and Luis Ramos.
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